Wednesday, November 24, 2010

French Christmas Party

Bonjour French class families!

I would like to invite you and your child(ren) to our French Christmas party on Saturday, December 4 at 11 am at FCC. Instead of normal French class, we will be sharing a traditional French meal together. In order for this to happen, I would greatly appreciate your help! In my experience teaching, children may not remember a lot of things, but they always remember the parties and the food. So let's make this first French Christmas party a success! 
We have four families who regularly attend, so I am asking each family to bring a dish to share. Below are the suggestions and links to recipes I found on-line. Certainly, if you have your own recipe or find something else, feel free to use it. 

First course (hors d'oeuvres)
tapenade (I will supply the bread to put it on)

Second course (la soupe)

Third course (les vegetales)
Some kind of potato dish. Here are some possibilites:

We will be skipping the meat course as it is time consuming and costly.

Fourth Course (fromage)
Bread and cheese (I will take care of this.)

Buche de Noel
The buche de Noel is a very traditional French dessert. There are numerous ways to prepare it ranging in difficulty. Let me know if you would like to take on this baking feat!

Please let me know when you and your family have decided which course you would like to prepare. 
I am looking forward to a fun and delicious meal!

Au revoir,

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